Sunday, October 17, 2004

Beethoven encontra Mozart

Casa onde Beethoven nasceu, em Bonn

In 1787, Beethoven (1770-1827) went to Vienna.
It was here that Beethoven met the great Mozart (1756-1791), who was dapper and sophisticated. He received the boy doubtfully, but once Beethoven started playing the piano his talent was evident. "Watch this lad," Mozart reported. "Some day he will force the world to talk about him."
The death of Beethoven's mother in the summer of 1787 brought him back to Bonn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linda a casa! Esse ano quando estive em Viena, conheci a casa onde mozart nasceu em salzburg. o blog está super elegante! parabéns
Bjs, Bia